DonorHub ®
Bridging the information gap between you and your staff...
Copying Subscription Data Text to the Clipboard



Copying Subscription Data Text to the Clipboard

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Note: These are the instructions you would follow on your Web server, when you are using the replication model.

Read More > Deployment Models

1.View the Web Server Setup Console.

Menu Path: Tools | Web Server Setup Console

If "Web Server Setup Console" does not appear, you need to give yourself permission to view it.

Read More > How to Give Yourself Permission to View the "Web Server Setup Console"

2.If you haven't already, setup the web synchronization.

Read More > Setup Web Synchronization

3.Press the <Copy Subscription Data to Clipboard> button.

4.Provide a password if you'd like.

The subscription data text is now on the clipboard. You can now paste this text into an email and send it to the client that will be connecting to this server for Web Synchronization. The process of using this data is described in the section "How to Install DonorHub Lite".


Note: SQL Server 2005 Standard was used when creating the screenshots in this section.

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