TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...
TntConnect 3.1


It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

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What's New in TntConnect 3.1

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TntConnect 3.1 Upgrade overview

This fast-paced video highlights some of the changes in TntConnect 3.1, including a new name, international tools, new features, and new help tools.

Quick Overview of Changes & Features from TntConnect 3.1:

TntMPD has a new name

TntMPD has a new name! Formerly "TntMPD", it is now called "TntConnect". This reflects that TntWare is now an independent ministry. "MPD®" is a term coined by Campus Crusade for Christ for their staff's support development efforts. Now that TntConnect is used by more than 12,000 missionaries in 500+ ministries, a name change is appropriate to reflect the broader audience.
The name is changed from TntMPD to TntConnect
The "MPD" tab is now called the "TNT" tab
The "MPD Phase" is now called the "TNT Phase"

Multiple Currency Support

TntConnect now supports multiple currencies. TntConnect has always been an international product. It is currently available in 14 languages (including Italian and Greek... new to 3.1!). Many TntConnect users receive gifts from more than one country, and the new multi-currency features reflect that. There are several ways that multi-currency is displayed:

The multiple currency feature can be turned on/off in Tools | Options | Currencies tab
Users will walk through a Quick Setup Guide when upgrading to 3.1, to help them identify their base currency, and add any additional currencies in which they may receive gifts
Users can now combine ALL TntConnect databases from other countries. (Previously, users would typically have a separate database for each currency, since the analysis tools did not work well in combined databases.)
Each contact has a default currency assigned on the TNT tab
When a gift is entered manually, the currency of the gift can be added
The gift display on the TNT tab (for the "Current Group") toggles between the "base currency" and any other currency you wish
The Contribution Report can be displayed in any currency in the database, or display any individual currency only

Multiple Language Newsletters

Because many users who have multiple-country / multiple-currency databases will now merge them, this means they may also have multiple-language newsletter issues. TntConnect 3.1 allows users to identify one language for each contact. Then, when producing either the paper or email newsletter, you pick the language first, then select paper or email newsletter only for those who receive that language.

Read more about multiple-language newsletters.

Other Features and Fixes

To help users navigate high-resolution monitors, TntConnect now offers a text zoom feature, allowing users to enlarge the font 125-150-175-200%. (Tools | Options | Installation tab)
In the "Log History" (either on the History tab or in the History View), you can now right-click on any item to "Log Reply" in case you want to add a follow-up history item to one already entered.
The Contribution Report can now be filtered by the Current Group.
The "User" fields on the User tab have always been flexible... you can either enter manually or pre-fill a list (in Tools | Options | User Fields tab). Now you can also require that those pre-entered values are the only ones. This can be useful in a team environment where TntConnect is used as a team fund-development tool.
TntConnect 3.1 also resolves a number of technical issues that were causing problems during the transition year from Campus Crusade for Christ to TntWare:
Compatible with Windows 10
Compatible with Mac OS El Capitan
Resolves both the Google Maps error and the Google Login error to the TntConnect web site (which had been preventing users from logging in to download updates)
Resolves the "Microsoft Access 2010 Database Engine" error that many users would occasionally encounter.

TntConnect Videos

Comments on this Help Topic

Bryan Williamson wrote re: What's New?
on 16 Mar 2016 2:18 PM

Thanks Troy for all the hard work, fixes, and new features in TntConnect 3.1.  And thanks Bob for the Upgrade Overview video.  My upgrade on Windows 10 went gr8.  Looking forward to exploring the SmartPath videos, too. Kudos!!!

pedroaventura76 wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 20 Apr 2016 11:09 PM

That's great job! exited to start working more with it.

It's a shame the SmartPath is not in the Portuguese app store :( I like to lear with videos and this app seemed to be great...

baldsubenin wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 5 May 2016 1:11 PM

thanks a bunch for all your work on this.  i will try and get it working again on my computer. i had to change computers and never got it to work on my new one.  we will see now if it will work.. thanks again and May God Bless you.

Patrick wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 7 May 2016 2:03 AM


Andrew Haas wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 5 Jun 2016 1:01 PM

Once again you've outdone yourself. As a Mac user, my sincere thanks to Troy and Bob (and the many others who also support this tool) for creating, sharing and explaining Tnt to the masses.

Tim and Diane Esala wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 30 Sep 2016 5:15 AM

Let's GO! Trying it out.

Generve Utley wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 28 Nov 2016 11:40 PM

Thanks so much for your excellent work Geneve and Doug Utley

Missionarydianesmith2 wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 12 Apr 2017 7:18 PM

I am in need of some help.  I pulled up my page and it has told me it is locked.  It than wanted me to sign in to my google account not my current account.  What do I do???

AlmaSteinhauer wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 14 Apr 2017 6:45 AM

It may be a good program, but I can't make it work for me. I don't seen to be able to get  donor list. It's mainly that I am to old to teach old dog new tricks. Changes confuse me more each time. My helper is out of state for 3 or 4 months because of family needs.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 20 Apr 2017 11:37 PM

The forums are the best place to report tech issues.

Missionarysullivan wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 9 May 2018 8:20 PM

can i import vcf to this?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 17 May 2018 10:08 PM


CynthiaTodd wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 26 May 2018 11:37 AM

Hi Troy!!  I switched back to TnTConnect and am soooooooo happy to be back!!  I just uploaded the upgrade to v3.5 and clicked on the link to see what's new, but it took me to this 3.1 video... so you might want to check that.  THANKS for ALL you do!!!  Cy in France!!

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 5 Jun 2018 4:04 PM

Hi Cy,  Welcome back!  :)  I'm tracking almost 500 Cru staff who continue to use TntConnect on a regular basis.  So you're not alone.  You're absolutely right about the upgrade video.  I took over the help manual and documentation from Bob, and I've had other priorities preventing me from taking proper care of this.  --Troy

Bret Taylor wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 4 Oct 2018 8:42 PM

I can't seem to find the smartpath app on the googleplay store. Also the tinyurl link you suggest doesn't seem to work any longer. Is there a way to watch these tutorial videos?

Jutta wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 12 Dec 2018 10:01 AM

Hi Troy, I just updated to 3.5.11 (for Mac) and now I can't import the gift files in csv format. Why is that?

Jskifstad wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 23 Jan 2019 7:54 PM

Hi Troy,

I have a new laptop using iOS Mojave. I've downloaded TnT Connect 3.5.10.dmg and dragged it to the application folder. However, when I go to open the file I get this message: "Please run TntConnect from your Applications folder." which I did.

Not sure what to do now.



Troy Wolbrink wrote re: What's New in TntConnect 3.1?
on 3 May 2019 6:07 PM

@Bret Taylor, the SmartPath service has been discontinued.  :(

@Jutta, TntConnect 3.5 has been updated with new (more strict) requirements for DataSync files (to avoid common errors).

@Jskifstad, after you drag TntConnect into your Applications folder, open your Applications folder and run TntConnect form there.