About TntConnect
TntConnect started out in 1997 as Troy Wolbrink's hobby, so that he could be more organized while raising a personal support team. Today more than 500 mission organizations and 12,000 missionaries use his software.
One of the reasons Troy and his wife Tammy are so passionate about TntConnect is that they use it personally. Troy and Tammy use TntConnect to help raise their financial support as missionaries with Global Service Network. The ministry of Global Service Network has standardized on TntWare tools (DonorWise and DonorHub) to process donations and electronically deliver that information to their missionaries (as an electronic report that shows up directly in TntConnect).
Because our financial support team has paid for our time to develop TntConnect, it is our privilege to bless you with TntConnect as a free gift. In return, if you were to consider investing in our ministry with Global Service Network, we'd be truly honored.
TntConnect saves the average missionary almost an entire day per month of reduced busy work. This helps them focus more on ministering to people as they are less overwhelmed by administrative details. Our goal is to free up thousands of missionaries with an a extra day per month to make disciples of all nations! Would you like to support us in our efforts to help thousands of missionaries have an extra day every month?