TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...
Quick Guide: Adding Single Gifts


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Quick Guide: Adding Single Gifts

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Tutorial: Adding New Gifts

If you cannot link TntConnect with your organization’s donation system, all of your gifts would be added manually. If you do this from a paper printout each month, the simplest method is to use the Gift Input Form. If you can input gifts via the web, there are several reasons why you might want to occasionally add gifts manually:

1.A contact gives you a personal gift that is not processed through your organization’s contribution system. (See below for more information on personal gifts.)
2.A contact gives you a non-monetary gift that you record as a $0 gift with a memo.
3.You receive a gift from another member of your organization via an internal transfer that does not appear in your organization’s donation system.
4.You receive checks written to your organization that you will later submit, but want to enter them in advance for thank you task and analysis purposes. TntConnect allows you to enter a gift that you then mail to your organization for processing. If that gift does not download within 30 days, TntConnect will attempt to delete it so that your gift record on TntConnect is in sync with your organization.

Tutorial: Manually adding a single gift

1.On the TNT Tab, in the gift section, right click and select "Add new gift".

2.Enter the date and amount of the gift. You can also select the currency the gift was in.

3.Assign the gift to a special gift appeal, if applicable.

4.Identify whether the gift is a personal (non-receiptable) gift; if so, you may want to add a memo describing the gift or purpose of the gift.

If the gift is personal, the letter “P” will show up next to the gift. Personal gifts will not affect the "average monthly giving" for the contact.

5.If the gift is one you are forwarding to your organization and you will download it later, check the "Available on Web" checkbox. Note that the gift information will say "Pending" until it is received from your organization.

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Automatic Actions for New Gifts

Multi-Currency Features

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