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Once I'm in Microsoft Word, how do I mail merge envelopes or labels? from Bob!

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Once I'm in Microsoft Word, how do I mail merge envelopes or labels?

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Instruction on how to get started with an envelope or label merge in Word XP.

1.  Click on "Setup".

2.  Choose Envelope options.

3.  Click on "Edit"

4.  Choose your document.

5.  Click on the "Insert Merge Fields" button.

6.  Select the fields to insert.

Working with Labels

When working with labels, you may find that for some reason you only get one label per page.  This is because you haven't propagated the design of your first label across the page.  There is a button on the Mail Merge toolbar to do just that.  See this picture:

Newer versions of Word call it "Update Labels":

 Finishing the Merge

To perform the actual merge, under the "Mailings" section, click "Finish & Merge":

Recent Comments

By: Phil and Debbie Posted on 9 Jan 2015 9:08 PM

I am trying to merge addresses unto envelopes using Word Vista; I followed the steps above; I have an existing envleope with my return address in the upper left hand corner. My problem is that is wants to throw my return address on the existing document into the center of the envelope and enter the addresses in the upper left hand corner. I though it might be because I didn't have my cursor set up in the middle of the envelope, so I set the cursor up in the middle of the envelope where I wanted the addresses to go but that did not elevate the problem. Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you, Debbie Smith

By: bmgallant Posted on 12 Jan 2015 2:07 PM
By: Phil and Debbie Posted on 22 May 2017 3:28 PM

Thank you for your help, yes, we've followed all these steps and I also updated our software. We still cannot get our labels to create. We can see the file which TNT creates but it's not showing up after we go through all the steps and press "Update Labels."

By: Phil and Debbie Posted on 22 May 2017 3:28 PM

Thank you for your help, yes, we've followed all these steps and I also updated our software. We still cannot get our labels to create. We can see the file which TNT creates but it's not showing up after we go through all the steps and press "Update Labels."

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 23 Jun 2017 11:03 PM

Try using one of the label merge template documents available here:

By: Lauren Hood Posted on 11 Apr 2019 5:40 PM

It seems like my TNT doesn't acknowledge that I have Word on my computer, so it is not allowing me to select "Mail Merge" from the dropdown list. Any suggestions?

By: Troy Wolbrink Posted on 3 May 2019 6:57 PM

Here's info on how you can manually perform a mail merge:  For tech support, ask your question on the forums.