DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...
Ministry Path



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Ministry Path

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Ministry Path

DonorWise displays the path from the Ministry Tree for designations and directors. In previous versions of DonorWise, this field only showed the actual ministry (tree branch), and the underlying field was the "Ministry Code". On the surface this change seems modest, but under the surface there are many great benefits to this new feature:

1.When exporting a contacts to Excel, this field shows the entire path. This can be helpful, especially with many designations.

2.When doing Lookups, it is easier to select all donations, donors, or directors under any particular tree branch.

3.Reports that have the Ministry as an option will soon use the Ministry Path instead.

4.Definitions created in TntMPD.DataServer will be able to use this Ministry Path also.

In this example, Clark Kent serves on the University of Monaco campus ministry. The ministry path is \ROOT\Campus Ministry\UMonaco.

You can see this path on the Designation Tab.

Designation Tab

The staff member or ministry's location on the tree is displayed in the <Ministry> box.



Lookup Designations by Ministry

When using a Lookup of donations, you can now lookup all designations by position on the Ministry Tree.

Lookup Directors by Ministry

When using a Lookup of directors, you can now lookup all directors by position on the Ministry Tree.

Lookup Donors by Donations

When using a Lookup of donors, you can now lookup all donors who gave to any designation within a ministry.


The Ministry Path will also be available as a criteria for certain reports when those reports are updated for DonorWise 2.0.