TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...
Ejercicios Sesión 6: Tareas e Historia

Ejercicios Sesión 6: Tareas e Historia

1.Save a Description for future use. You do not need to log a history item to do this; just act like you were going to log history and go to the Saved Descriptions.
Haz clic en el <Seleccionar> botón.
Haz clic en el <Añadir> botón.
Write "First Appointment" as the description.
Haz clic en el <Aceptar> botón.

2.On the History Tab, log the following history.

Called Cary Granite to set up a first appointment. You talked to Cary, and set up an appointment for next Monday at 7:00pm.

Go to the Tasks Tab and schedule an appointment.

Called Lucius Frozone to set up first appointment. The phone was busy.
You called Lucius Frozone again and got an answering machine; you left a message introducing yourself briefly.
You called Lucius Frozone again, and set up an appointment Monday at 8:30pm.

Go to the Tasks Tab and schedule an appointment.

3.Schedule a task to send a Reminder Letter to "Annual Donor EN" (that's the contact's name!) next June 1.


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