Setting Up & Using Groups This tutorial walk you through the steps of setting up Groups in TntMPD. Help topic(s) related to this video: Leer más > Grupos y Grupos guardados View > TntMPD Videos < Prev Topic | Next Topic >
Grupos guardados Saved Groups are sets of contacts you have grouped together that you want to stay together. Members of these groups do not change except by you choosing to add or remove them. The value of a Saved Group is that it keeps a set of contacts...
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Explotar TntMPD 2.0 (Spanish)
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Filed under: guías paso a paso, grupos (guardados), grupos, grupo actual, grupos actual, grupos guardados, grupos guardado, grupos (guardados) guía paso a paso, guías paso a paso grupos (guardados), Grupos Vista panorama, Grupos Vista
Grupos guardados Saved Groups are sets of contacts you have grouped together that you want to stay together. Members of these groups do not change except by you choosing to add or remove them. The value of a Saved Group is that it keeps a set of contacts...
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Explotar TntMPD 2.0 (Spanish)
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Filed under: grupos (guardados), grupos, grupos (actual), grupo actual, grupos actual, grupos guardados, grupos guardado, grupos (guardados) actual y guardado, búsquedas, grupos (actual) actual y guardado, búsquedas grupos actuales de, guías de referencia, grupos guías de referencia, guías de referencia grupos (guardados), Grupos Vista panorama, Grupos Vista
Sending the Current Group an e-mail TntMPD does not actually send e-mail messages. What it does is create some of the basic information for your e-mail software to use. There are some tasks you need to perform manually. This help topic covers how to send...
Grupos guardados Saved Groups are sets of contacts you have grouped together that you want to stay together. Members of these groups do not change except by you choosing to add or remove them. The value of a Saved Group is that it keeps a set of contacts...
Grupo actual The <Current Group> means the currently-in-use list of contacts. In the Contact View, that is the list of contacts on the left side of the screen. The Current Group is a very fluid, changing set of contacts. It changes every time a...