Entering Ministry Partners' Pledges TntMPD allows you to not only sync gifts, but also to add pledges. This video walks you through the process of entering your pledges for each ministry partner. Once pledges are entered, you will see how you are progressing...
Looking Up Current & Past Donors This video walks through the steps of looking up your current donors, as well as past and lapsed donors. View > TntMPD Videos < Prev Topic | Next Topic >
Using Lookups to Filter Your Data Lookups help you filter through all your ministry partner data. Learn how to lookup just gifts over $250 or all your partners in a certain geographical area. Help topic(s) related to this video: Leer más > Panorama...
Import Your Address List from Excel If you set up your initial address list in Excel, this tutorial will walk you through the steps of importing that into TntMPD. Help topic(s) related to this video: Leer más > Importando contactos View > TntMPD...
Importing Contacts: Set up your list in Excel Creating your initial address list in Excel is often easier and quicker than putting the information directly into TntMPD. This tutorial shows how to format your Excel file, so it imports to TntMPD in the...
TntMPD does not have any "print" features. Printing is a very complex task, given the variety of hardware platforms and paper types. Since TntMPD information is primarily stored as data, users are better served by having robust data management...
What is a Lookup? View > Video: Using Lookups View > Video: Lookup Donors When using the database, there will frequently be a need to view one or more contacts who share a common attribute. Here are some examples of contacts who may make up just...
The MPD Tab is the core of the financial information for TntMPD. Without the MPD Tab, TntMPD is just another contact manager (though a very good one!). TntMPD uses the MPD Tab information for its underlying analysis, and for donors, the automatic creation...
“Y poco después, Él [Jesucristo] comenzó a recorrer las ciudades y aldeas, proclamando y anunciando las buenas nuevas del reino de Dios; con Él iban los doce, y también algunas mujeres [...] y muchas otras que de sus bienes personales contribuían al sostenimiento...
Seis formas de añadir contactos Cada uno de estos métodos tiene sus puntos a favor y en contra. Método y mejor motivo para usarlo: Ruta de menú: Contacto | Nuevo contacto Añadir un contacto individualmente. Ruta de menú: Contacto | Añadir contactos Acabas...
Dirección y/o teléfono no corresponde con datos de la organización "¿Por qué aparece la dirección o el teléfono de un donante en negrillas y en rojo?" When a donor's address and/or phone information is not in sync with your organization's information...
View > Video: TntMPD Overview ¿¿Qué significa "MPD"?? MPD es un acrónimo para la frase inglesa "Ministry Partner Development" (Desarrollo del Equipo de Socios Ministeriales), una frase que se usa para describir el proceso de busar...
La pestaña Desarrollo de la Vista Contactos es el lugar central para datos financieros sobre los contactos. Esta página indica la Fase del contacto, de persona desconocida a persona comprometida con dar u orar, además del nombre de la persona que te dio...
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Filed under: contactos, contactos Fase, Fase, donación, contactos datos de resumen, donación datos de resumen, datos de resumen, guías de referencia, Pestaña Desarrollo, Pestaña Desarrollo panorama, guías de referencia Pestaña Desarrollo, Pestaña Desarrollo guías de referencia, Contacto Vista, Contacto Vista Pestaña Desarrollo
What is a Lookup? View > Video: Using Lookups View > Video: Lookup Donors When using the database, there will frequently be a need to view one or more contacts who share a common attribute. Here are some examples of contacts who may make up just...
Panorama de administración de contactos One of the most critical aspects of building relationships is knowing about the other person. The more you know about the person, and the more they know about you, the stronger your relationship. The strength of...