Paso a paso: Registrar historia 1. Select the task type (such as, Call, Letter, e-mail, etc.). 2. Selecciona el resultado (Intentado, Hecho, o Recibido). 3. Select the date and time if different. TntMPD will offer a time for certain time-specific task...
“The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5 . TntMPD offers two different ways to view tasks and history. 1. View items individually or for the Current Group on the Tasks/History...
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Filed under: guías paso a paso, historia, tareas, panorama, historia (ver tareas e historia), tareas e historia, descripciones, descripciones para tareas, tareas e historia escribir descripciones, descripciones guardado, guías paso a paso registrar historia, panorama historia, historia guía paso a paso, historia panorama, programar tareas, tareas programar, tareas e historia registrando en el contacto "Yo"