TntConnect TM
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Quick Guide: Successive Lookups


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Quick Guide: Successive Lookups

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Successive Lookups

Multiple lookups can be run in succession to narrow down the results. For example, successive lookups could be written to find just donors, then among those donors who live in a certain city.

Tutorial: Writing a Successive Lookup

In this example, we want to find all donors who have given at least 100 in the last year and live in a certain city.

1.Lookup all donors in the city.

Menu Path: Lookup | By Field


Replace the current group


Mailing City


begins with


equal to


enter the name of the city

Press the <OK> button.

The <Current Group> is now all contacts whose mailing address is in that city.

2.Find within that group those donors who have given 100 or more.

Menu Path: Lookup | By Giving


Lookup within the current group


Enter the start date (such as January 1)


Enter the end date (such as December 31)

From Amount


To Amount

Leave blank. This tells the software to find any amount above 100.


The Current Lookup shows two filters and the resulting Current Group.