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Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup


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Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup

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The number of potential lookups is infinite, so it is difficult to teach all the nuances of Lookups. Trial and error is the best way to learn about Lookups. This tutorial is designed to acquaint with the basic components of a Lookup.

Tutorial: Create a Basic Lookup

This tutorial is designed to determine the number of contacts who live in Metropolis, and how many of those contacts are donors.

1.Menu Path: Lookup | City
2.Enter the city in the <Value> field.

Notice that the selection option at the top is "Replace the Current Group". This means TntConnect will look for this city as the Mailing City for all contacts in the whole database.

3.Press the <OK> button.
4.Notice that the Current Lookup displays the criteria and the number of contacts meet this criteria.

5.Menu Path: Lookup | By Giving

This is to narrow the list to donors only. Change the relationship to <Lookup within the Current Group> so that the Lookup searches for donors in that city.

6.Press the <OK> button.

Note: Because the Lookup is <For Giving>, TntConnect is automatically looking only for those contacts who have given a gift. Therefore, it will check for any gift amount and any gift date even if all of the boxes are blank.

7.Note the additional criteria in the Current Lookup. And notice that the Current Group shows the number of contacts who meet all of the criteria.

Comments on this Help Topic

jstamberg wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 19 Jul 2013 3:41 AM

Is there a simple/quick way to look up a contact by name without having to go through this process? Thank you.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 19 Jul 2013 4:56 AM

A (potential) future release of TntMPD will have a quick Search box that will dynamically search for the typed text in any name and address field. In the meantime, the only way to find specific names is to use a Lookup, and you have to define which name you are looking for (Last/Family Name, First/Given Name, etc.).

However, if all you want to do is find a last name in your list, then there IS an easy way to do that: Just click anywhere in the list of names and start typing the last name you want. TntMPD will automatically pop up/down to that name.

jstamberg wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 19 Jul 2013 6:20 PM

Great, thanks!!

K.Hardin wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 24 Aug 2015 6:14 PM

We are trying to classify donations given by project names. In the Gift Details box we have a field created called Special Gift Appeal with a drop down selection of our projects. I haven't been able to do a lookup for this field as in the Fields list under Lookup there is no field listed by this name. What should we do in order to be able to designate donations by fund or project and then to be able to create a lookup?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 30 Aug 2015 8:02 AM

Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Special Gift Appeal Tracking", and you'll be provided some ways to lookup contacts and export gifts and history based on appeals.

jessecogbill wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 2 Jun 2017 11:11 PM

When I attempt to do a lookup by field:TNTphase, the radial buttons for everything except "Replace Current Group" are unavailable/grayed out. Is there a way to fix this?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 23 Jun 2017 11:09 PM

It sounds like you're editing an existing filter in a list of filters.  To start a new lookup, under the "Lookup" menu, click on "TNT Phase".

Dave6 wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 22 Dec 2017 7:13 AM

Hi.  This was written several years ago.  

"Bob Mac Leod wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup

on Fri, Jul 19 2013 12:56 PM

A (potential) future release of TntMPD will have a quick Search box that will dynamically search for the typed text in any name and address field. In the meantime, the only way to find specific names is to use a Lookup, and you have to define which name you are looking for (Last/Family Name, First/Given Name, etc.)"

Will this feature be introduced in the future? It will be very helpful.


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Create a Basic Lookup
on 22 Dec 2017 9:06 PM

Dave6, it's still an idea, but still on the back burner.  :(