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Help | About

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The Help | About box tells you two things:

1.What TntConnect release you are on (such as "Version 3.0 r8)

2.At the bottom, the exact database you are working in. TntConnect databases end in ".mpddb". This file location is handy so you can find it to move or copy the database.

Comments on this Help Topic

ameeks wrote re: Help | About
on 3 Jan 2017 4:27 PM

I am stuck on the first step after downloading the software. It is asking for a datatbase but all I have excels in .csv form and No way to import or see file. What do I do from here?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Help | About
on 11 Jan 2017 9:31 PM

Under the "File" menu, click "New".

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