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How can I turn on TLS 1.0 on Windows? from Bob!

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How can I turn on TLS 1.0 on Windows?

  1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer (not Firefox or Chrome). 
  2. Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Internet Options". 
  3. Under the "Advanced" tab, check the box to "Use TLS 1.0".



Recent Comments

By: Michael B Posted on 31 Oct 2014 3:37 PM

Some recommend disabling SSL version 3.0 in all your browsers due to the recent SSL (POODLE) exploit.

By: JustinSchriver Posted on 3 Nov 2014 3:58 AM

Seems to have worked for me as well. Thanks.

Justin Schriver

By: Davor123 Posted on 4 Nov 2014 8:46 AM

Yup, it worked for me. Thanks for the quick answer.  D

By: tiffany.lewis Posted on 4 Nov 2014 7:31 PM

Thank you very much! Worked for me as well.

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