1. Close TntMPD.
2. Delete "TntMPD.app" from the "Applications" folder.
3. Delete the folder:
"Users / (your name) / Library / Application Support / TntWare / TntMPD"
(To get to the Library folder on Mac OS X Lion - 10.7:
Hold down the Option key, and click the "Go" menu in Finder. Then click on the "Library" menu.)
4. Empty your Trash in Finder (very important step). If you can't, you may have to restart your Mac.
5. Reinstall TntMPD from this download:
6. Launch TntMPD.
If you already had an existing database file:
Click "No" when prompted to create a new database.
Under the "File" menu, click on "Open" to open your existing database file.