DonorWise TM
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Current vs. Saved Groups




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Current vs. Saved Groups

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Difference between Current Group and Saved Groups

Current Group

Saved Groups

Only one Current Group at a time.

Unlimited number of Saved Groups.

Current Group is always current, whether you are in the Contact View, or some other view.

Only relevant when you are in the Groups View.

Can become a Saved Group by creating a new (empty) Saved Group, then adding all of the members of the Current Group.

Press the <Lookup contacts in this group> button.

This makes the Saved Group into the Current Group.

Cannot delete the Current Group.

Deleting a Saved Group simply removes the Saved Group from the list of groups, but has no impact on the contacts.

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Read More > View Groups

Read More > Tutorial: Setting up a new Saved Group

Read More > Current Group

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