DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...
Organization Contacts




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Organization Contacts

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Organization Contacts

Organizations of many different types may be in the Contact list.

Types of organizations:

Your own ministry (the "Me" contact)

Departments or ministries within your ministry (as designations receiving donations or locations that receive reports)

International offices of your ministry

Churches or businesses that support your ministry

The software defines organizations information differently from individuals (people contacts), and it is important to understand these subtle differences.

How organization contacts are different from people contacts

On the New Contact screen, the name fields are replaced with just an Organization Name field. The <Organization> check box is checked.

If personal name information is entered before the <Organization> check box is checked, that personal information will be deleted once you save the contact.

Preferred Address defaults to Business instead of Home. (Note: If the contact was saved with personal information, the default address will remain as Home.)

Personal Info Tab

Two fields change depending on the contact type. For an individual they are Gender and Marital Status. For an organization they are Org Type (a free-form entry field) and Contact Person.

Designation Lookup

The Organization checkbox (true/false) is also used when looking up designations as that defines whether a designation is a Staff or Non-staff. Staff members are "People" (that is, not organizations). Non-staff contacts/designations [ministries] must be Organizations.

Menu Path: Lookup | Designation | All Designations

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