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Sesión 13: Los siguientes pasos



Sesión 13: Los siguientes pasos

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Sesión 13: Los siguientes pasos

You may be saying to yourself, “That was helpful, but, uh, what do I do NOW?”

Here are a few thoughts:

Probably the most important thing you could do is make sure that the MPD Phase and Pledge information is correct for each of your contacts.

If you find the automatic actions for new gifts (that is, auto-tasks) helpful or not helpful, remember you can enable or disable them in Tools | Options | Gifts Tab. To delete all the old tasks you haven’t done, just select them all and press the Delete key.

Put your monthly goal in the Tools | Options | General Tab so that when you look at the Analysis View, you can see your current pledges in comparison to your goal.

If you have never used Appeal Tracking, you may want to set up an Appeal for this past December’s year-end ask, and assign the gifts received to it. You do not need to associate the letters you mailed for this one.

If you are in a position of needing to raise some new support, remember the basic principles I shared several times:

Who are my best donors, either in frequency or dollar amount?

Who haven’t I called in a while?

Who have I never called (new referrals)?

Bottom line: The best way to make the most out of TntMPD is simply to make it a habit it to use it as an integral part of your regular MPD activity.