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Contactos difuntos



Contactos difuntos

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The Deceased field is a check-box on the MPD tab.

Cuando un contacto fallece

Because your TntMPD database is a history of your MPD activity, you should retain information about contacts even if they are deceased. It is unwise to delete any contact from your database because doing so would eliminate their task history and giving history as well. However, for the purpose of advanced lookups, it may also be helpful to exclude any contact who is deceased.

Leer más > Eliminando contactos

When you check the Deceased box, TntMPD performs several steps to makes it very apparent that this contact is deceased. Note: It will not perform these steps until the screen is saved.

Estas acciones automáticas relativas a la Defunción incluyen:

Agregar “(FALLECIDO)” al lado de su nombre. Esto sólo cambia la apariencia del nombre; no cambia el nombre en sí.

Actualizar los Saludos con “(FALLECIDO)” después de cada saludo.

Esconder su dirección, desactivar la casilla “Completa y correcta” y reemplazándola con “(La dirección está oculta.)”. La dirección aún está allí, pero está oculta.

Unchecking the box next to any phone numbers and e-mail addresses. This causes the phone number or e-mail address to have a strikethrough (a line across the middle).

Changing their MPD Phase from whatever it was to "Never Ask", and checking the "Never Ask" box. If their MPD Phase was formerly "PARTNER-Financial", it will not eliminate their pledge amount and frequency.

Esto no se hace automáticamente, pero quizá sea bueno que escribas una nota indicando específicamente la fecha de defunción.

Corrigir a un contacto que erróneamente fue marcado como Fallecido

When you check the Deceased box, TntMPD performs the two steps described above (changing MPD phase and obscuring/eliminating address information). If you inadvertently mark a contact as deceased who is not, you will need to manually undo these steps. Specifically, you need to:

1.Uncheck the "Deceased" box.

2.Haz clic en el <Guardar> botón.

The only automatic activity that will occur is that TntMPD will restore the Greetings by removing the "(DECEASED)" after each greeting.

3.Cambiar la Fase de vuelta a lo que previamente era

4.Editar la o las direcciones del contacto; TntMPD típicamente retendrá la dirección sólo que la ocultará. Para restaurarla, seleccione la casilla de Completa y correcta en la dirección.

5.Edit the phone numbers and e-mail addresses by re-checking the valid box that was unchecked by TntMPD.

Defunción de cónyuge

TntMPD does not have a way to track the name of a now-deceased spouse. You may want to keep the name of a deceased spouse for future reference. In some cases, an older woman will continue to use her husband's first name even though he is deceased.

Look on the Personal Tab and update any birthdays and anniversaries. For example, if you move the Wife to be the Primary contact (when the husband dies), be sure that the Primary birthday on the Personal tab is also the wife's. You may want to either delete the deceased spouse's birthday and the anniversary, or move them to the Notes tab.

La mayor parte del tiempo, el curso de acción más sabio es el de remover el nombre del cónyuge fallecido de la dirección. Si deseas mantener el nombre del cónyuge, escríbelo en las Notas.

Case study of deceased spouse

1.When both spouses are alive, the husband's name is on the left, while the spouse's name is in the Spouse column.

2.After the death of the first spouse, put that person's name and date of death in the notes box. Put the surviving spouse's name in the First/Given (primary) box.

3.After the death of the surviving spouse, for your permanent records put the names back as you originally had them (husband as primary first/given name, wife in spouse column). Then check the "Deceased" checkbox.