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Send E-mail to One Contact



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Send E-mail to One Contact

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Sending an e-mail to one contact

There are two ways to initiate sending an e-mail to a contact:

1.Click on their e-mail address in the Name & Address Bar.

2.Select Contact | Send Email. When you initiate an e-mail, TntConnect will open your e-mail program and put the contact’s e-mail address in the To: box, and put your cursor in the Subject box.

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Create Mass E-mail

Tutorial: E-mail merge

Comments on this Help Topic

KarenWatkins wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 26 Aug 2013 5:35 PM

Would it be possible to have an option to send an email from Google+ instead of Outlook?

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 27 Aug 2013 9:09 PM

No one has written a Google interface yet for TntMPD. Know anyone with a vision for that? :)

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 5 Sep 2013 10:04 PM

When you click an email link in TntMPD, it asks the operating system to pull up the default email client.  There's nothing in TntMPD that says "pull up Outlook".  If you want to make Gmail your default email client, follow the instructions here:

Matt Gnuse wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 15 Sep 2013 3:52 AM


I tried the method you suggested and followed the directions to make Gmail my default email client but when I click an email address in Tnt it opens a new Chrome window but doesn't get me an email letter to send to that email.  Can you help me with that?

Matt Gnuse wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 15 Sep 2013 3:56 AM

OK, I did more digging and figured out how to make it work now.  Thank you anyway for all your help!  I am just getting used to Tnt and am enjoying it so far.

DennisStrellman wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 19 Nov 2013 7:35 PM

mkgnuse Could you enlighten us as to what you figured out?

It seems that it is not possible for a windows application to have a default MAILTO using Gmail according to!topicsearchin/gmail/mailto|sort:relevance/gmail/LbtOdnafKmA

DennisStrellman wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 19 Nov 2013 7:44 PM

The link Troy sent has evidently been modified since. It talks about uninstalling the Google Gmail notifier. I do not have this installed.

Codiak92 wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 19 Mar 2016 8:31 PM

I am new to TNT and am trying to use it as my primary station. Due to the secure email I have, I cannot link it to Outlook or other secondary clients. Only gmail. Is here a way to make TNT open up through Gmail when I want/need to send an indivdual or group email?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Send E-mail to One Contact
on 8 Jun 2016 9:04 PM

Yes, I believe that if you install Google Chrome, you can make it the default "mailto" handler, which means that TntConnect will use it when you click on an email address, or launch a group email (via BCC).

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