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Birthday & Anniversary Report


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Birthday & Anniversary Report

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Tools | Birthday & Anniversary Report

The Birthday & Anniversary Report starts with a blank screen. You must select who (Everyone or Current Group) and the type (birthdays, anniversaries, or both).

If you have a lot of history in your database, including information on contacts who are no longer on your team, you may prefer to lookup your current partners only, and then use the Current Group as the group for the report.

Tip: Deceased Contacts

If you have the birthdays or anniversaries for contacts who are deceased, you may want to remove that information or transfer it to your Notes field so that it no longer appears in this report.

Put the date of death at the top of the notes.

If one spouse is still alive, put other spouse's name and date of death in the notes so you see it before you call.

Read More > Deceased Contacts

Press the <Build Report> button.

This will run the report with your selected options.

Note: TntConnect is not overly particular about the year. It will accept both “52” and “1952” or no value at all. However, for consistency, it is probably better to always use four digits for the year. Also, if you export contacts to Outlook, you must use a four-digit year as Outlook will not allow years before 1904.

Log Thank

The Log Thank button allows you to quickly log that you sent a birthday or anniversary card to a contact. When you press the button, TntConnect will create a completed task, using the birthday/anniversary date as the completed date, and a description indicating whether it was for a birthday or anniversary. If it was for a birthday, TntConnect will put in parenthesis the contact or spouse's name.

When you Log Thank for a birthday, TntConnect will record the activity on the birthday date, not the date the thank was actually done. TntConnect will ask you whether you want the thank to be recorded in the past or future.

Why is a birthday or anniversary card a "Thank You"?

When you send a birthday or anniversary card to a ministry partner, you are communicating appreciation to them for being involved in a partnership in ministry with you. When you send the card, it is appropriate to let them know you appreciate them, and to thank them for their involvement.

Comments on this Help Topic

Marc St. Angelo wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 7 Aug 2014 5:01 PM

Related to creating a Birthday and Anniversary report, is there a simple way to (preferably continuously) sync TNT birthdays with my Google calendar? thank you.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 10 Aug 2014 4:42 AM

Hi Marc,  The only way to do this now is via Outlook and Google Apps Sync.  And you'd have to turn on the option in TntMPD to sync birthdays/anniversaries with Outlook.  It doesn't do it by default because Outlook reacts with strange side effects sometimes.  The plan is for TntMPD to sync directly with Google Contacts in the future, and then Google will create and maintain a special calendar for you with these birthdays and anniversaries.

Fnshdwrknprgrss wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 20 May 2016 2:02 PM

I've been asked this question, "When building the Birthday/ Anniversary report those contacts that are deceased are still included in the report. Even though they are marked “deceased” and the address has a line through it. We want to keep these contact records, especially if they have given financially in the past. Is there a way to have them not included other than deleting that information?" Thank you!

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 8 Jun 2016 9:06 PM

Here's my reply re deceased partners:

helloleanne wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 7 Jul 2018 6:22 AM

Hey Troy! What's the benefit of logging a thank in the future? I was hoping to use this feature to remind myself to send a note on birthdays. However, even though it's in the future it logs it as a "done" task instead of something scheduled that needs to be completed. Thanks! :)

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 18 Jul 2018 8:21 PM

"log a thank" means to record the fact that you already (or definitely will do) something.  This is the "History" side of things in TntConnect (so it certainly sounds strange to log a history in the future).  To "schedule a thank" means to create a "Task", and this is how you can remind yourself.  The "Birthday & Anniversary Report" doesn't create tasks, just history.

helloleanne wrote re: Birthday & Anniversary Report
on 22 Jul 2018 11:48 AM

That makes sense. Thanks Troy! :)