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Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

TntMPD 2.1 r78 (beta)

It's been almost 4 months since the last beta release (2.1 r77).  It's been quiet because I've been busy working on the next major version of TntMPD.  A few bugs were reported recently that made me decide to do a maintenance release.  TntMPD 2.1 r78 has over 60 bug fixes and minor enhancements!  You can read all the details in the release log if you're interested.  I released both a Window version and a Mac version.

Now, you can right-click on the "Gift Input" button and change its meaning from "Gift Input from Web" to "Gift Input Form" (manual gift input).  This is handy if your organization doesn't provide an electronic download and you have to type in your donations every month:

The Full Name format for the USA and many other countries now includes the Spouse First Name.  This was done to make the spouse feel more included.  Also, it helps to see the spouse name more prominently when making calls.  The idea for this came from Dan Dlugos, and this is the forum converstaion that started it.  After releasing this version of TntMPD, I realized that it might appear awkward if the husband has a Suffix like "Jr.".  If I was "Troy Jr.", the full name will currently read "Mr. and Mrs. Troy and Tammy Wolbrink Jr.".  I'm not sure if this is correct.  Please visit the forum conversation and let me your thoughts on this.

When you're on the task or history list, you can select multiple items and "Lookup Selected Contacts".  But now you can select just one item and right-click to "Lookup Selected Contacts".  This might come in handy when you want to lookup just those people you sent a newsletter to:

If you want to save your task/history description list to a file, you now can.  Anywhere you're in the "Choose one..." dialog in TntMPD, you can right-click and "Load from file..." or "Save to file...".  The file is just a text file with the list of items.

On a minor note, when you're editing a Group, the "Group Editing Tools" will now have an option called "Everyone" instead of "All contacts".  This is just a rename to make it more consistent with the "Lookup | Everyone" lookup menu item.

If you're on a Mac, I'd strongly recommend downloading the Mac version from this website and reinstalling TntMPD into your Applications folder.  This new version enables the embedded web browser which is used for the Community View and for the Banner Announcements when doing Gift Input from the Web.  Note: To enable this new embedded browser, you must download the Mac version from this website and install it into your Applications folder.  You can't just do an update of TntMPD within the program.

Here's what the Community view and Banner Announcements look like on the Mac now:

If your ISP or corporate environment uses a proxy server and requires authentication over the proxy, this new version now supports this type of connection even on the Mac:

Translation Needed

This new beta version brings along with it some new terms that need to be translated.


Posted 8 Mar 2012 6:55 PM by Troy Wolbrink


Peter Axup wrote re: TntMPD 2.1 r78 (beta)
on 9 Mar 2012 3:56 PM

I successfully installed 2.1 r78 Beta for Mac on an iMac10,1 running OS X 10.7.3 (updated). It also successfully connected to my organizational computer and download data.

Thank you for a great product. I enjoy using it. Thank you for serving our Lord Jesus and strengthening the hand of His saints and encouraging their heart.

Peter Axup wrote re: TntMPD 2.1 r78 (beta)
on 15 Mar 2012 5:41 AM

I successfully installed this on a MacBookPro8,1, running OS X 10.7.3 (updated), and successfully connected to my organizational computer and downloaded data.

I also successfully updated the TntMPD package to version 2.1.80.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 2.1 r78 (beta)
on 16 Mar 2012 5:42 PM

Thanks, Peter, for letting me know how it's working for you, and for your encouraging words!  God bless!

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