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TntMPD 2.1 r28 (beta) -- New Mail Merge Options: Word on Mac and OpenOffice from Bob!

Please give TntMPD 2.1 r28 a try and let me know what you think!  Since TntMPD 2.1 r24, there's been alot of work on getting TntMPD to work on the Mac.  This latest release has a focus on Mail Merge.  Specifically there are two areas of interest:

1.  Mail Merge now supports Writer (2.2 and newer) (tested w/ 3.2). 

This feature is applicable to both Windows and Mac users!

If you have both Microsoft Word and Writer installed, you'll have to tell TntMPD that you prefer Writer.  Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Microsoft Word", then click on "Choose Mail Merge Application".

Once TntMPD launches the mail merge and puts you into OpenOffice, you can drag column headers (from the data grid) into your document to place the merge fields.  When your document is ready, under the "File" menu, click "Print".  OpenOffice will recognize that this is a mail merge and give you options.  Also there are additional options under the "Tools" menu with "Mail Merge Wizard" such as merge to email (requires you to enter SMTP settings).

2.  Mail Merge now supports Microsoft Word (2000 or newer) (tested w/ 2003) on the Mac.

This feature is applicable to Mac users only.


How can you install OpenOffice or Microsoft Office into the same environment as TntMPD for the Mac?

If you're running TntMPD for the Mac (2.1 r26), you'll first need to upgrade to TntMPD 2.1 r28.  To do this: 

      a.  Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Options".  Under the "Instalation" tab, make sure "Alert me when new Beta versions are available" is checked.
      b.  Under the "Help" menu, click on "Check for Updates on the Web" to upgrade to TntMPD 2.1 r28.

Next: Launch as you normally would.  Once TntMPD pulls up, you'll see the X11 menu.  Hold down the command key and tab key together until TntMPD is selected.  The menu should change from X11 to TntMPD 2.1.26.  Under the "Wine Tools" menu, click on "Control Panel".

Now double-click on "Add/Remove Programs" and click the "Install" button.  Find the setup program for your office program and install it as you normally would.  Make sure you install the Windows version of OpenOffice or Microsoft Offfice!

NOTE:  If you install Microsoft Office, you might want to consider twice before activating the license.  Once you do this, you're tied to that specific edition of TntMPD for the Mac.  When a new TntMPD for the Mac comes out, it wipes out the entire Wine environment (which is where you just installed Office) and replaces it with a new one.  Microsoft activation is not required for some editions of Microsoft Office.  I tested this with a corporate (volume license) edition of Microsoft Office 2003, and I didn't have to activate it over the Internet.

Here's a screenshot (on the Mac) of merging to Word 2003:

Here's a screenshot (on the Mac) of merging to Writer 3.2:

NOTE:  It took me a few tries using OpenOffice to get the merge to work.  First OpenOffice prompted me to register.  Then it gave me an error.  After this I closed everything and tried again.  After this it works fine.

Posted 23 Jun 2010 11:12 PM by Troy Wolbrink


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 2.1 r28 (beta) -- New Mail Merge Options: Word on Mac and OpenOffice
on 27 Jun 2010 2:54 AM

Someone asked if this requires Parallels.  It does not require Parallels, although it can work within Parallels if that's your prefered way to run things.

You can have TntMPD and your word processor (Word or Writer) all on Parallels, or you can have TntMPD and your word processor all on Wine (TntMPD for the Mac).  But TntMPD inside of Wine won’t merge to a word processor on Parallels.

Check out the section, “How can you install OpenOffice or Microsoft Office into the same environment as TntMPD for the Mac?” on this blog post for details on how to install either of these word processors into the TntMPD on the Mac environment.

Tom Hallman wrote re: TntMPD 2.1 r28 (beta) -- New Mail Merge Options: Word on Mac and OpenOffice
on 9 May 2012 3:49 PM

Hi Troy. In these instructions, it says:

Under the "Wine Tools" menu, click on "Control Panel".

In the latest non-Beta of TntMPD on Mac (2.8.81, Mac packaging 2.1.78), there doesn't appear to be a Wine Tools menu.  It's MacOS Lion (latest).  Can you help?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: TntMPD 2.1 r28 (beta) -- New Mail Merge Options: Word on Mac and OpenOffice
on 14 May 2012 2:28 AM

Hi Tom,  These instructions are a bit oudated.  Now, you right-click on "" and click on "Open Package Contents".  Then click on the "" inside the package.  Then click "Advanced" and under the "Tools" menu, click on "Uninstaller".