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TntMPD 2.0 r54 (beta)

Since releasing TntMPD 2.0 r48 last December, many beta releases have been quietly released. Since then, many fixes and updates have been added (no new features to speak of).

If you're a beta tester, please download this latest beta and test it out yourself.

If you partner with me in translation or documentation writing, you may use this time to test/update your work. I'd like to make a general release in a few weeks. Let's shoot for March 31. Please let me know if you need more time.

Here's a link:


2.0.54 - 3/12/2008
FIXED - Issue when manually added donor id doesn't appear immediately.
FIXED - "Directory (x) doesn't exist" when the auto-backup directory doesn't exist.
FIXED - Issue where manually added gift doesn't have the specified date.
FIXED - "Failed to set calendar date or time" when adding/editing a task on Thai Windows.
FIXED - Issue where right-click on check box on task list doesn't mark task complete.
FIXED - Issue where window focus is incorrect when launching new windows.
FIXED - Translation issues with Help & Manual XML files.
CHANGE - Brazil now uses "e" for the and word.
CHANGE - Jamaica now uses same name format as USA.
NOTE - Added diagnostics to TntSync to track down a feedback display issue.

2.0.53 - 2/8/2008
CHANGE - Improved behavior of OK/Cancel buttons for editing Task and History items.
CHANGE - Improved "Edit Contact" dialog to refresh drop down lists after "Apply".
NOTE - TntTranslator now supports Help & Manual XML files.
NOTE - TntTranslator now supports .TntTranslator files.
NOTE - TntTranslator now supports multiline editing.
NOTE - TntTranslator now exports GNU gettext PO files.
NOTE - TntTranslator saves an extra "AutoSave" file as an additional backup.
NOTE - Refactored TntTranslator and most code related to translation.

2.0.52 - 1/31/2008
FIXED - Vista display issue with the task and history lists (introduced in 2.0.50).
NOTE - InstallAware 7.5 used.

2.0.51 - 1/28/2008
FIXED - Issue introduced in 2.0.50 where manually added gifts were put at bottom of grid.
FIXED - Position "Gift Input" label indicating too many manually entered gifts out of sync.
FIXED - TntSync issue where the file copy progress dialog was resizable.
FIXED - Task list issue when running 2 instances of TntMPD with different translations.
CHANGE - Improved password scrubbing from error messages.
CHANGE - Updated Spanish translation.
CHANGE - Improved error messages for malformed DataSync import files.
NOTE - Updated year on copyright label to include 2008 in Help|About.

2.0.50 - 12/21/2007
FEATURE - Added "Rebuild Database" under the "File" menu.
FIXED - "Unspecified error (12057) from wininet".
NOTE - Compiled with Delphi 2007 (Dec 2007 Update).

2.0.49 - 12/17/2007
FIXED - "Giving Trends" report to show the correct amount" (requires database rebuild).
FIXED - Issue causing "OK" button to be intitially disabled when logging a task attempt.
CHANGE - Improved an error message used by add-ons (Event Notifier) when starting.
CHANGE - Improved the layout of the "Check Web for Updates" dialog.

Posted 13 Mar 2008 3:54 PM by Troy Wolbrink
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