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How do I manually keep two copies of my database in sync?: Revision #1 from Bob!

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First published by:
Troy Wolbrink
on 29 Sep 2008
Last revision by:
Troy Wolbrink
on 29 Sep 2008
5 people found this article useful.
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How do I manually keep two copies of my database in sync?

How do I manually keep two copies of my database in sync?

Let's say you normally keep your database on your home computer and that you're going on a support trip and you want to take your laptop with you.  You could transfer your database to your laptop and go on your support trip.  Then when you return, you could transfer your database back to your home computer (copying the database over the one that is already there).  This way you could work with TntMPD on your support trip and keep any updates you made.

A husband and wife team could also employ a strategy like this.  One of the spouse's computer could be designated the host of the "main database".  This main database would be the only one where changes are made.  This database could be periodically copied to the other spouse's computer.  This copy could be considered "read only".  Any changes to be made would have to be made to the spouse hosting the main database, and then again copied to the other spouse's computer.  This arrangement has the added benefit of always keeping a backup copy of the database on another computer.  If the main computer crashes, the other computer could pick up where the main computer left off.

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