TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...

How do I link a donation account which was accidentally linked to the wrong contact? : Revision #1 from Bob!

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First published by:
Troy Wolbrink
on 29 Sep 2008
Last revision by:
Troy Wolbrink
on 1 Feb 2018
21 people found this article useful.
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How do I link a donation account which was accidentally linked to the wrong contact?

How to link a partner's donation account to a different contact in TntMPD

1.  Go to the contact which is linked to the wrong account number.  You may either click on the account number in the top-right part of the screen, or under the "Contact" menu, click on "View Org Details".

2.  Right-click on the account number in the account list to the left and click on "Link to a Different Contact...".

3.  Choose the contact that this account should be linked with.  (If the contact does not exist in your database, click on the "Contact" menu, then click on "New Contact".  Then go back and link the account to this new contact.)