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TntMPD Training Manual : Updated 2009-04-01 from Bob!

It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

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posted by Bob Mac Leod
6 Apr 2009

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File size: 3.4MB
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TntMPD Training Manual : Updated 2009-04-01

Release Date: April 1, 2009

Updated and Enhanced edition of the TntMPD Training Manual released in January 2009. This guide has been field-tested in classroom settings, and as a result has extensive improvements in both the tutorials and the exercises. The exercises in particular have significantly more screen shots to assist new users in completing the tasks.

Intended Audience: New TntMPD users and those who may have used it for years but feel like they only use the basic features. This guide is designed for both self-study and for use in classroom settings. It's primarily designed to acquaint users with the variety of features that TntMPD offers, and was created in response to many requests for "more training".

This manual is divided into 12 segments, each covering a key feature of TntMPD. Each segment is followed by exercises designed to familiarize the reader with that segment's features. The exercises are completed with a sample database. All of the exercises are also compiled in a set at the end of the guide.

In a classroom session, each segment takes about 15 minutes to discuss followed by 15 minutes for the practical exercise. For those using the self-study, it should go a little more quickly.

The live training session and the manual are designed so that each segment could be read or used individually and not in order. The exercises, however, are sequential. Someone who wants to do the entire self-study course including the exercises needs to start in Session 1.

At the back of the guide, more than 50 TntMPD tips are compiled into one section.


Jersey wrote re: TntMPD Training Manual : Updated 2008-04-01
on 11 Apr 2009 7:47 PM

Thank you for the strength of this resource.  Im new to raising support and this program is a real help.

You have given us a blessing.  Grace to you.

Alan Shea wrote re: TntMPD Training Manual : Updated 2008-04-01
on 21 Aug 2009 5:55 PM

There is a typo in the title of this document -- it should be "2009" not "2008". It is newer than the one dated "Jan 31 2009".