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Photo Directory from Bob!

It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

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posted by Troy Wolbrink
4 Dec 2008

Downloads: 479
File size: 89kB
Views: 102,746
Photo Directory

This document creates a nice photo directory (2 columns, 10 rows per page).  It requires TntMPD 2.0 r68 or newer.

To get the photos to appear correctly, merge to a new document (instead of merging straight to the printer).  Then, click Ctrl+A, and then click F9.   There's a plug-in called OnMerge Images that is supposed to make this seemless.

Tested in Word 2007, but it should probably work in older versions as well.



Ken Mullins wrote re: Photo Directory
on 27 Sep 2009 2:34 AM

I am having some problems getting this to work.  Are there directions?  Or does this work with TntMPD 2.1.r6?  MS Office Pro 2007?

The problem seems to be the data source?  How do I export (or whatever) the data (including the picture) ?



Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Photo Directory
on 3 Oct 2009 7:09 PM

"To get the photos to appear correctly, merge to a new document (instead of merging straight to the printer).  Then, click Ctrl+A, and then click F9.   There's a plug-in called OnMerge Images that is supposed to make this seemless."