If you arrived at this topic by hitting F1 on a report, note that this page does not provide help on specific reports.
DonorWise comes with more than a dozen reports that were designed for the common reporting needs of ministries.
There are two components to Reporting:
1.Running Reports
2.Modifying or Designing Reports
The second is obviously far more complex than the first. This topic covers only the basics of running reports. Many reports have user prompts that allow you to refine the report by one or more criteria. When a report can produce multiple instances of the same report, there is an option to separate the report between each, or to produce them as a single, complete report.

Examples of User Prompts
The <Donations by Designation> report has successive prompts. You fill out the first set of prompts, then continue on to subsequent prompts.

Note in the above example that DonorWise indicates (the number in parenthesis) how many designations meet the date criteria selected above. In the example below is the same interface with "Include redirected designations" unchecked. Notice that the number of reports changed slightly. The drop-down box "Select some designations" offers additional choices that affects the available reports quantity as well.
Because of the number of possible combinations available on the individual reports, it is impossible to describe them all. The best way to learn about the reports is simply to run them and see the results.