DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...
1.Spelling error:
2.When you click "Contacts", you get "Periods and Closing"
3.Feature idea: Click on the column header to sort the contacts
4.Contact tab: Mailing From Country (lowercase "from")
5.Capitalization: "general ledger" is typically capitalized--both words (blue link).
6.If I click on "(no base currency)" in the Currencies screen, then the General Ledger tab should be selected when the System Setup box appears.
7.The Setup Tasks has "Manage Payment Types" but is missing "Manage" before Currencies; however, the screen is called Manage Currencies.
8.The backup error could be improved with a Back button to allow me to go back and re-enter the name or password.
9.There is no Edit Contact button. To reach the Edit Contact box, you either click on the name and address in the Name & Address bar (undocumented) or click in the Greetings box on the Address Tab. To get to the Greetings, you then have to click the Greetings button.
10.The Preferred Address is not marked with a dot like in TntMPD.
11.While testing email addresses, an edit box appeared in the Address bar, but did not do anything. It appeared after I put an email address in, then clicked on the email address, then did not send the email message.
12.When I tried to delete a favorite (abcdef), I received this error. I was then unable to delete the favorite.
13.Just a question: In DW, do all lookups return contacts in alphabetical order?
14.Can the User 1-4 fields by renamed like in TntMPD?
15.I wish there was a change log in TntMPD! :)
16.Could we add a "manage deceased spouse" feature to TntMPD?
17.When a contact is marked deceased, can we uncheck Preferred on the Phone and Email?
18. "Activity" should be capitalized (consistency)
19.Can we change heading fonts on tab sections to be black instead of blue? I expect them to be hyperlinks when they are blue. (Discuss)
20.On the Designation Tab, I can redirect a designation. However, if I then redirect that designation, I get an error that [the original and now inactive] designation is [would be] pointing to an Inactive designation.

This is a confusing error as it doesn't tell which designation(s) are suffering from this. How do I teach resolution?
21.When I double-click on a contact in the Ministry Tree, can it open that contact?
22.On the Screen tab under Contacts, I think View Contacts should be at the top, above View Groups.

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