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DonorWise Help » Donation Receipts » Reprint/Re-email Receipts
Reprint/Re-email Receipts



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Reprint/Re-email Receipts

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Reprint Receipts

Periodically you may want to reprint (either by paper or email) a receipt for a donor. Typically this is because a donor did not receive their original receipt in the mail, or needs a copy for their personal or tax records. There are two ways to reprint receipts, explained below:

1.Reprint a single receipt for a donation.

2.Reprint an entire set of printed receipts (that is, repeat a previous printing).

Reprint a single receipt

1.Select the desired contact.

2.Select the Donations tab for the donor.

3.Select the donation that needs a new receipt.

4.Press the Reprint Receipt or Email Receipt button.

The reprinted receipt will indicate that it is a duplicate.

Reprinting a previous receipt run

Note: It is not possible to print all of the receipts from a specific batch, only repeat a previous printing.

1.Go to the Unreceipted Donations screen.

2.Press the Reprint Receipts button.

3.Select the date and time the receipts were printed.

4.Press OK.