DonorHub ®
Bridging the information gap between you and your staff...
Why DonorHub?


Why DonorHub?

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When a donation is made to your organization, how long does it take for this information to get to the right staff person, so that they can personally thank the donor? Unfortunately for many organizations this time delay can be weeks or months, and involves the hassle and expense of mailing paper reports every few weeks.

DonorHub is designed to help organizations better communicate donation and financial information with their staff. DonorHub will help you report this information to your staff electronically using the Internet. And it will report the information almost as quickly as it is posted into your donation and accounting systems. This will allow your staff to use software tools and websites to more effectively manage their accounts and relationships with their financial partners.

DonorHub is a win for your finance team, because much of their reporting is automated, and DonorHub is a win for your staff because they can check their account anytime and answer their own questions.

DonorHub provides a "Staff Portal" website.  This website is a online report that's always up-to-date.  It shows your staff their donation information as well as their staff account information (balance, income/expense).  Here's a demo Staff Portal.

DonorHub also enables your staff to use popular tools like TntConnect and MPDX for organizing their fundraising efforts without having to waste time manually entering donations into their tool.  TntConnect, for example, saves an estimated 4 hours per month for each missionary that uses it. So if your organization has 100 missionaries, TntConnect could effectively reclaim 400 staff hours of ministry each month (time that would otherwise have been spent on administrative tasks)!

In addition to all these benefits mentioned, your staff will have a more confidence regarding support raising. They will be much better organized and feel much less overwhelmed. In the future, TntConnect.DataServer will enable even more tools to help your staff.

DonorHub Lite is transitional technology. Support for DonorHub Lite will end on December 31, 2017. We wouldn't recommend any new users for DonorHub Lite.  We're keeping DonorHub Lite available until then to help existing users transition to DonorHub Online.

The next topic will cover the history behind DonorHub and the transition to the cloud via DonorHub Online.

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