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Setting up Web Server Prerequisites



Setting up Web Server Prerequisites

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Setting up Web Server Prerequisites

1.View the Web Server Setup Console.

Menu Path: Tools | Web Server Setup Console

If "Web Server Setup Console" does not appear, you need to give yourself permission to view it.

Read More > How to Give Yourself Permission to View the "Web Server Setup Console"

2.Press the <Web Server Prereqs> button.

3.Select the "Web Site" (based on IIS).

4.Select or type in the base URL that you will be using. This URL must be "https://" + the domain name associated with your SSL certificate in IIS + "/".

5.Press the <OK> button.

Note: The "Web Server Prereqs" screen is designed to allow being run repeatedly without disrupting the availability of the Web service. However, unless you're making major changes, you should only need to run the "Web Server Prereqs" once.

Note: SQL Server 2005 Express was used when creating the screenshots in this section.