DonorHub ®
Bridging the information gap between you and your staff...

How can I enable the "Give" links on the Give Site and receive donations online?: Revision #1

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How can I enable the "Give" links on the Give Site and receive donations online?

The key to making the "Give" link appear on the Give Site is that you must provide a "Give To Designation URL Pattern".  This is available on the "Give Site" tab in System Setup:

Notice that the "Give To Designation URL Pattern" must contain the [desig] placeholder.  This placeholder will be substituted with the actual designation code/id of the staff/project the donor wants to give to.

This Give To URL can refer to any website.  It could be:

  • a 3rd party payment system,
  • a custom solution developed by your organization,
  • the built-in gift cart (notice the "~/../give/giftcart/give.aspx?desig=[desig]" option).

If My Example Merchant Service, for example, could accept a url that has your organization account and the account of the staff to give to, like:[desig]

Then you could enter this in as your "Give To Designation URL Pattern" and you'd be done ... ready to receive donations.

If instead you chose the built-in gift cart, you're not done.  Now you must provide a "Checkout URL Pattern":

Notice that the "Checkout URL Pattern" must contain the [cart_guid] placeholder.  This placeholder will be substituted with the actual gift cart guid of the donor who is trying to pay for the items in their gift cart.

There is a demo you can choose ("~/../give/giftcart/check_out_demo/default.aspx?cart_guid=[cart_guid]").

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