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March 2008 Presentation on TntMPD.DataServer

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posted by Troy Wolbrink
17 Feb 2009

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March 2008 Presentation on TntMPD.DataServer

This is a presentation I gave at a CCC technology leadership conference back in March 2008.


Andrew Haas wrote re: March 2008 Presentation on TntMPD.DataServer
on 23 Jun 2009 3:00 PM

I presume that the same demo link ( is launched for slide six?

Andrew Haas wrote re: March 2008 Presentation on TntMPD.DataServer
on 24 Jun 2009 9:53 AM

Hi Troy,

  If you can, please update this with info in the notes fields of each slide. That way, us newbies will have a better chance of knowing what each slide is meant to communicate.

  For example, it would be help me make the case with skeptics if I knew more about slide three's claims (Lessons Learned.) How big was the survey sample that made you conclude the average staff saves four hours per month? How and why did Ministry leadership place greater value and appreciation on operational infrastructure?

  Also, having a story to illustrate the diagram on slide 5 (you probably used one when you presented this in March 2008) would help put the arrows and blocks into a real life illustration of Jill Missionary getting her financial information in a timely, usable way.

  What did your demo of the staff portal involve?


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: March 2008 Presentation on TntMPD.DataServer
on 30 Jun 2009 12:34 AM

Yes, slide six refers to:

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: March 2008 Presentation on TntMPD.DataServer
on 30 Jun 2009 12:46 AM

The first survey was done in 2003, with about 350 responses.  The TntMPD community now has an ongoing survey (you probably noticed this), and so far about 1500 have responded and the average is now about 6 hours per month of saved time!

> How and why did Ministry leadership place greater value and appreciation on operational infrastructure?

Ths is a little harder to quantify (for skeptics), but I'll do my best:

How: I've had no resistance in my efforts to help national ministries better support TntMPD (via TntMPD.DataServer).  The CCC leadership has been more than willing to removing barriers (financial, scheduling, etc.) to helping make this happen.  Also I've seen operations/capacity take a slightly more prominent place in global strategic planning.

Why: I'd assume it's becuase they've seen results in staff being more fully funded.

The data flow is a bit more for the technical audience.  But the point would be that a missionary can find out a donation to their account within hours, not days or weeks.  And that the data is available via:  TntMPD, the Staff Portal, or via SOAP/XML web services (if one wanted to program against this platform, such as when building a dashboard website).

When I did the demo, I highlighted how the Staff Portal is: easy, supports multiple profiles, is translatable, and how you can download the data you see into TntMPD, Excel or Quicken via some nice links.