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TntMPD 2.1 r15 (release candidate)

I have a new beta for you to test and/or translate.  TntMPD 2.1 r15 introduces 2 new features, and it includes a handful of fixes and minor enhancements.  The features include:

Contribution Report now has option to sort by last gift date.
Under the "Tools" menu, click on "Contribution Report".  You'll notice that the longer it's been since a partner has given, the closer they'll be towards the top of the report.  There's a "Sort by last gift date" check box you can uncheck (and click the "Update" button to make it take effect).  TntMPD will remember your preference, but the default will be to check the box until you indicate otherwise.

When exporting to Excel, a Pie chart and Bar chart are added as extra worksheets.
When you export any data to Excel, a "Pie Chart" and "Bar Chart" will be added based on the data you exported.  These will be new worksheets, so they will appear as tabs in Excel near the left-bottom of the spreadsheet.  I've noticed that for some exports (MPD Analysis [Source Data Grid-mode] and some Appeal exports) the charts are helpful.  But for some other exports the charts aren't as useful.  I decided to keep the code simple and just always attempt both charts, and the user can ignore them if they want.

I'd love your feedback on these features.  Also, if you're a translator, please check your translation.  I really would like to release this version of TntMPD soon.  It contains a fix that might help some CCC-USA staff get past an issue recently introduced by our IT department for doing "Gift Input from Web".


Posted 17 Feb 2010 6:22 PM by Troy Wolbrink
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