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Referido por



 Referido por

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 El campo Referido por ofrece una búsqueda cuando pasas el ratón sobre él. Si un contacto fue referido por más de una persona, las palabras "Referido por" estarán en negrita, y la persona principal que dio el referido aparecerá en este campo.

 Seleccionar a un referente principal

 Click on the words "Referred by" to bring up the <Choose one> dialog box, allowing you to add/modify/delete referrers and select a primary referrer (the one whose name will appear on the MPD tab). Click on the contact you want to be the primary contact (does not need to be the top on the list).

 Campo Referido por

 The Referred by name appears twice in the TntMPD database. One field lists only the primary referrer (Field name: "ReferredBy"), while the other one lists all Referrers (Field name: "ReferredByList").

 Lookups and Referrers

 When doing lookups, you can lookup by either field. For example, you can do a lookup only on the "Referred by" field to find contacts who are the primary referrer. Or, you can do a lookup on the "Referred By List" field to see all contacts of a referrer.