TntConnect TM
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Video: Install TntConnect on a Mac


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Video: Install TntConnect on a Mac

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Install TntConnect on a Mac (Version 10.6+)

TntConnect can now run on a Mac (Version 10.6 or newer) in an emulation mode without the need of Windows. This tutorial walks you through the steps of installing the software.

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VioCar 22 wrote re: Video: Install TntConnect on a Mac
on 26 Sep 2022 7:41 PM

It says when I am trying to download the Tnt on my mac that I need to buy a program called Crossover.  Is there a way to install it without having to buy the Crossover app?

Thank you,


Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Video: Install TntConnect on a Mac
on 18 Oct 2022 8:43 PM

Hi Violeta.  There are technical ways to install TntConnect on a Mac without CrossOver.  It requires technical expertise with installing WINE and installing TntConnect within your WINE environment.  This *should* work, but we don't officially support it.