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Video: Import Contacts from Excel


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Video: Import Contacts from Excel

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Import Your Address List from Excel

If you set up your initial address list in Excel, this tutorial will walk you through the steps of importing that into TntConnect.

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Erika Braun wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 11 Jan 2012 1:11 AM

I got to the point where I was ready to merge and a screen came up saying "a first, last, or organization name must be entered for this contact." I'm not sure where to enter that? Thanks!

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 12 Jan 2012 3:39 PM

When you map fields from your csv file to TntMPD's fields.  Be sure to map to the First/Given Name and the Last/Family Name fields.  Every contact in TntMPD must have a first name or a last name.  Or if it's an organization (like a church), it must have an organization name.

anya wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 19 May 2014 4:55 PM

I am encountering the same probelm.  And my csv file has the last name, first name, title of individuals but it's still telling me I need to enter those in order to import.  Any suggestions?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 19 May 2014 6:30 PM

Your csv file might have those fields, but did you map them to the "First/Given Name", "Spouse First/Given Name" and "Last/Family Name" fields in TntMPD?

Nurseinkiev wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 7 Aug 2018 9:13 AM

where is the initial database spread sheet located?  not the xcel but the address list sheet?

ClaireDrevets wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 20 Aug 2020 2:19 PM

Can you include childrens' names in the import?

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Video: Import Contacts from Excel
on 28 Aug 2020 9:08 PM

Yes, there's a "Children" field you can import into.