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Quick Guide: Schedule a Task


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Quick Guide: Schedule a Task

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Tutorial: Schedule a Task

1.Select the Tasks Tab
2.Press the Schedule button.

3.Fill in the appropriate information related to the task. You can select from the same list of Saved Descriptions used when you Log History.
4.You can view the Details tab for more specifics about this task.

Comments on this Help Topic

Adams.mattc wrote re: Quick Guide: Schedule a Task
on 12 Aug 2013 8:17 PM

When I do this It will not show up in the Calendar.  Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: Quick Guide: Schedule a Task
on 13 Aug 2013 4:33 AM

What type of task is it? Appointment? Phone call?

Vance Nordman wrote re: Quick Guide: Schedule a Task
on 18 Nov 2013 5:51 PM

These is no information on this page on task recurrence button.  I can't find it anywhere.  I pressed F1 while viewing the window with this button which took me to this page.

Bob Mac Leod wrote re: Quick Guide: Schedule a Task
on 18 Nov 2013 6:03 PM

You are right, Vance! Thanks for catching that! The previous topic on this subject had that, but when I streamlined the help last year (to make the articles shorter), I cut that section out without realizing the Recurring screen also linked to here. I'll update this for the next help release.

Chris Stuckey wrote re: Quick Guide: Schedule a Task
on 10 Jun 2016 12:16 PM

Where is this action?  I'm trying to log task action for entire group but I do not see the "Schedule" button

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Quick Guide: Schedule a Task
on 21 Jun 2016 4:03 AM

When the task list is in "Group" display mode, the "Schedule" button goes away.  That button is only for scheduling a task for the individual.  To schedule a group task, click the "Group Actions" menu.