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Export to Microsoft Streets & Trips


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Export to Microsoft Streets & Trips

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TntConnect offered an integration with Microsoft Streets & Trips 2007+. The menu item will appear only if you have MS&T installed on your computer. This is becoming less common since Microsoft discontinued this product in 2014.

How to export contacts to Microsoft Streets & Trips

1.Use Lookups to create the Current Group you want to export.
2.Menu Path: Group Actions | Export to Microsoft Streets & Trips
3.Wait while TntConnect "calls" (that is, opens) Microsoft Streets & Trips and delivers your Current Group. MS&T attempts to match every address.
4.Resolve any export issues

Unknown Address

When TntConnect recognizes an address that MS&T will not be able to identify, TntConnect will offer to lookup that contact for you.

You will have to switch back to TntConnect to see this message; clicking <Yes> will replace the current group you just exported with the unmapped contact(s).

Address found with potential errors

Any address MS&T may be able to match but needs input from you will appear in an Unmapped address box. This will often occur when the contact's address, city, or postal code does not match the MS&T database exactly.

5.Return to Microsoft Streets & Trips to see the results of your export.

Comments on this Help Topic

David Clow wrote re: Export to Microsoft Streets & Trips
on 7 Aug 2014 12:56 AM

I just found out Streets & Trips is being discontinued by Microsoft. S&T 2013 is the last one available.

Troy Wolbrink wrote re: Export to Microsoft Streets & Trips
on 10 Aug 2014 4:38 AM

Thanks for the head's up, David.  Glad I added Google Maps integration!  BTW:  TntMPD supports MSS&T 2007, 2011 and 2013.