[This is an archived topic specifically for people upgrading from TntMPD 2.1 to TntMPD 3.0, as it changed the way the "company name" was handled for contacts. This is not relevant for TntConnect uses.]
Company Names for people contacts
In the past, the Company Name for the primary contact and the spouse were on the Personal Tab:

In TntMPD 3.0, this field (Company and Spouse Company) are re-named Business Name and Spouse Business Name. The fields remain on that tab (now renamed "Family" Tab), but they also appear on the Address Tab in the Business Address box. Both the primary contact and the spouse can have separate business addresses, and those addresses have a separate field for the business name:

As seen on the Family Tab. Note that these two fields on the Family Tab are the exact same fields that appear on the Business Address on the Address Tab. If you update the field in one place, it will appear updated when you move to the other tab.