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Miscellaneous MPD Tips


Miscellaneous Support Development Tips

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Miscellaneous Support Development Tips

Care for your ministry partners more than you care for their money.

If there is one principle I could share about support raising, it is that support raising is Ministry to your partners!

What is the greatest hindrance to raising support? TntConnect!

It’s easy to use “I have to XYZ in TntConnect before I can [start making calls]

Don’t spend time using TntConnect when you should be working

Schedule your TntConnect ‘maintenance’ time for non-productive hours that you cannot be on the phone or on appointments

When you have a list of tasks to perform, always do first the task that is most likely to generate support

If you have to choose between easy and hard tasks, always do the hardest one first; get it out of the way!

Don’t answer for your contacts; let them decide for themselves

You waste a lot of time and effort needlessly choosing for your partners and letting fear and uncertainty control your effort. Just dial the phone!

Read "Funding Your Ministry" by Scott Morton every year.

This is the most helpful book I have ever read on support raising. I read it every year, and in particular before I start working on a significant support development effort such as seeking a lot of new support.

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