DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...
Manage Users



It is our pleasure to provide this software free of charge to help you in your ministry.  We're so thankful for our partners who make this possible!

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Manage Users

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Manage Users


DonorWise users should be created and granted permission to perform functions based upon what type of role they have in processing donations. Granting users too many rights diminishes the security of the system by allowing users to view too much information or perform tasks that they should not perform.

The security of the system is managed by Roles. A role grants permission for a group of related tasks. The tasks are usually equivalent to a screen in DonorWise, though certain options on some screens are activated/inactivated based upon the user’s role.

Though the task permissions are granted by role, each user’s permissions can be customized by using the Permissions screen.

The chart below shows the tasks or screens that are assigned to each role.

Contact Manager

Can create and edit contacts, but not make designations.

Financial Director

Can change set-up options, approve and post batches, change designations and accounts, and more.


User who enters donations into DonorWise. (This is the most common user.)

Report Writer

Primary role is to design reports, but can also see donation history for confirming accuracy of data in reports.


Can view contact information and donation information.

Security Administrator

Can manage users, change system set-up options and configure the connection to the accounting system.

Database Setup

Includes all of the screens and operations that are needed to setup the system after a database is first created. Users assigned to this role can do all of the setup procedures described in this questionnaire. This role does not grant access to donation information by donor or designation. Users can be removed from this role after DonorWise has been setup.

Db Backup Operator

This role is granted permissions in SQL Server to perform database backups. This permission is granted through the DonorWise system.