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"Is Valid" Query (Optional)



"Is Valid" Query (Optional)

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The "Is Valid" query allows you to ensure that the connection string refers to a correct database. This is especially important when sharing your template with others, to help ensure that they don't use your template to query the wrong application's database.

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This query should only return one row. It must return a value for "Is Valid", and it may optionally return a value for "Description for Invalid".


Target Field


"Is Valid"

This field should be populated with "Yes", "No", "True", "False" or a number (Zero = False) to indicate if the database being queried is correct.

"Description for Invalid"

This optional field should be populated with with text (max 255 characters) that will be added to a special error message to indicate that the data source does not appear to be valid.


Note: Your query should generally refer to a table or view that would seem to be unique to the application for which you are putting together this data source. For example, you could use "SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 AS IsValid FROM [TableOrViewThatShouldExist]". On SQL Server, you could pattern your query after this: "SELECT COUNT(ID) AS IsValid FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE XTYPE = 'V' AND NAME = 'ViewThatShouldExist'".