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  • Tasks

    How can I change the settings for automatic tasks that are assigned to my contacts? I frequently get task reminders to "call to check on status of financial commitment" for ALL of my donors and have to manually check each one to clear the task. I don't remember ever setting this up and...
    Posted to Technical Support (English) by erinschenk19 on 7 Dec 2023
  • tasks not appearing in the task window

    Several times this has happened to me now. It does not always occur, but sometimes the task window under the address contact is empty like there are no tasks even when there are tasks in the task tab. I usually have to reboot and the problem is fixed, but why does it do this at all? Or, what can I do...
    Posted to Technical Support (English) by BeckyGrossmann on 19 Mar 2023
  • Task Types

    Task Types "Task Types" are used for both tasks you have not completed (the "scheduled tasks") as well as the ones you have completed ("history"). Most of the time, tasks are not scheduled. For example, because you can use the lookup "Call for Appointments", many...
    Posted to Exploring TntConnect by TntWare on 25 Jun 2020
    Filed under: tasks, history, history task types, tasks task types
  • Quick Guide: Schedule a Task

    Tutorial: Schedule a Task 1. Select the Tasks Tab 2. Press the Schedule button. 3. Fill in the appropriate information related to the task. You can select from the same list of Saved Descriptions used when you Log History. 4. You can view the Details tab for more specifics about this task. < Prev...
    Posted to Exploring TntConnect by TntWare on 25 Jun 2020
    Filed under: tasks, schedule tasks, tasks schedule
  • Automatic Action for New Gifts

    One of the most popular features of TntConnect is the Automatic Actions for New Gifts. Every time a new gift is entered—whether it is downloaded or manually entered—TntConnect compares that gift to the donor's commitment. There are 9 different tests that TntConnect performs on the gift. Automatic Actions...
    Posted to Exploring TntConnect by TntWare on 25 Jun 2020
    Filed under: tasks, gifts, options, gifts automatic actions, tasks automatic actions, options automatic actions, automatic actions (gifts)
  • Automatic Tasks did not register

    Under "tools" and then "options," I have certain tasks automatically enabled, such as "Thank contact for first gift." Because of some technical issues, I had not been able to sync TNT with my organization for about 6 weeks. I was given instructions on a new way to do it...
    Posted to Technical Support (English) by twarner55 on 17 Apr 2018
  • Re: Clearing Tasks

    DON'T HIT "DELETE"...It will just delete them. R-click and hit "Mark as complete"
    Posted to Technical Support (English) by Gerry_Andersen on 6 Apr 2018
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