This handy reference guide offers more than 50 tips to help make using TntMPD easier and more fun. Contacto Vista Tip: Color Coding TntMPD makes use of color and strikethrough to help you make sense of your contacts. There are three places in TntMPD where...
“The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5 . TntMPD offers two different ways to view tasks and history. 1. View items individually or for the Current Group on the Tasks/History...
When you complete a task on a contact whose MPD phase is above the Decision Line, TntMPD will automatically ask if you want to change the MPD Phase. The suggested new phase varies depending on what their current Phase is. Leer más > Fase Recuerda,...
A "Description" is a critical part of the relationship-building effort in Ministry Partner Development. Your ability to retain and use good information is based almost entirely on what you write down. When you review completed tasks months...
How you manage your tasks is up to you. For example: • Si tienes varias Notas de agradecimiento que escribir, sólo necesitas marcarlas cumplidas en la lista de tareas en cuanto las has escrito. • Si tienes varias llamadas telefónicas en tu...
“The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5 . TntMPD offers two different ways to view tasks and history. 1. View items individually or for the Current Group on the Tasks/History...
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Filed under: guías paso a paso, historia, tareas, panorama, historia (ver tareas e historia), tareas e historia, descripciones, descripciones para tareas, tareas e historia escribir descripciones, descripciones guardado, guías paso a paso registrar historia, panorama historia, historia guía paso a paso, historia panorama, programar tareas, tareas programar, tareas e historia registrando en el contacto "Yo"
“The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5 . TntMPD offers two different ways to view tasks and history. 1. View items individually or for the Current Group on the Tasks/History...