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Interesting: when I use File>Utilities>Merge with Another Database it works even on wine! And that's even easier to use than going through Tools>TntSync.
Hi Troy, Yes, I can open both databases in TntMPD. It looks like it's a wine problem - it works fine on my Windows box. It works fine in wine when the syncing happens because TntMPD detects DropBox conflicts. So I'm wondering what's different? Looking at the call stack shows that the error...
Hi Troy, Just now trying Tnt with Wine 1.4 and not looking good. This is what I did: - Install Wine 1.4 - Use winetricks to install jet 40, mdac 28 and msxml 6. - Execute SetupTntMPD 2.1.70, 2.1.71 and 2.1.81 All of it with same results: it throws a bunch (around 20) runtime errors, it also says "internal...
Hi there again, got some more info. I went back to 2.1r19 and it all worked again. I had to create a new bottle though. What I have noticed: - It doesn't matter what language you choose the installation to happen. - I have tried installling r19, r56, r77. r19 works perfectly. Only this version creates...
Hi there, Been using Tntmpd on wine on an ubuntu box for quite a long time now. Suddenly today when I launched it it didn't show the box at the beginning where you have to choose user and enter password. I have reintalled tntmpd and the same kept happening. I then created a new wine bottle, and still...