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  • Field entries residing in TNTMPD

    Occasionally when entering a city name for a new contact, I have misspelled the name of the city. I have later caught the error and corrected it. But now the misspelled city name always comes up instead of the correct one when I begin to type in that particular city as it is alphabetically earlier. How...
    by AllenBusenitz on 25 Aug 2010
  • Re: TntMPD 2.1 r21 on Mac OS X 10.5.8

    Yes, thanks a ton Troy. This is great. I know several others, including Mark Davis, have put in looooooooong hours of work on this. Much appreciated! I spoke briefly with Mark and Troy this morning and learned a few things: This is a Beta version. Thus it is relatively untested, but that is why we are...
    by David Hand on 10 May 2010
  • TntMPD 2.1 r21 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 [Experimental/Unsupported Test]

    Note: The following describes an experimental (unsupported) test copy of TntMPD for the Mac. Please report any issues you find back to this beta testers forum . Here's my experience from today installing and running Tnt with Wine on OS X 10.5.8 Although the instructions said I need to install Wine...
    by David Hand on 7 May 2010
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