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  • Re: Betr.: Re: Number of contacts in a Campaign

    Troy, Sorry for the delay in responding. Glad to see that you have been able to reproduce the problem. Eric
    by EricRiedy on 29 Dec 2017
  • Re: Number of contacts in a Campaign

    Hi Troy, We are using version 3.4.3. I do know we added the members of the campaign by using a pre-existing group we had created. I do recall that the "Target Group" feature came up and I may have moved some names from one to another. I don't think that is the issue though. What I'm...
    by EricRiedy on 26 Dec 2017
  • Re: Number of contacts in a Campaign

    Troy, Then I think there is a 'bug' in the Campaigns. The "Manage Campaigns" tool shows almost double the number of contacts for my year end ask then are in the campaign. When I export the list to Excel, the number of lines does not equal the number of contacts as you suggested. Eric
    by EricRiedy on 19 Dec 2017
  • Number of contacts in a Campaign

    I've been using the new Campaign builder for tracking my Year End ask, and noticed one spot where I agree with the logic used. Could you explain if I'm seeing a 'bug' or what the intention is behind the logic? The number of contacts column in the "Manage Campaigns" tool is almost...
    by EricRiedy on 15 Dec 2017